
All salves are 60g jars. Where possible herbs are grown here or are sourced as locally as possible. 

Sore No More Salve

This salve has anti-inflammatory and analgesic properties that will soothe muscles and aches and pains.

Salve for hardworking hands 

For someone that likes to work hard and at the end of the day has dry rough hands. This salve has healing and emollient actions that will soothe the skin and repair scratches and bruises associated with this.

Womens Moon Balm

 This combination of herbs will support women through menstruation. Used for ritual and for pain associated with moon time. Apply it to the belly area and feel its magic.

Calendula Salve

This is a great multipurpose salve. It is double infused, so double the potency. It is excellent for any skin type, particularly good for sensitive skin types. Calendula is specific for skin and is a vulnerary, anti-inflammatory, antifungal and antibacterial. Can be used for nappy rash, bruises, strains, inflammation, eczema, psoriasis, wounds and slow healing wounds.